Actual case detected by Metascreen®

Baby Lina was warded in the neonatal intensive care unit after showing signs of muscle weakness, low breathing rate, low cortisol, poor feeding and dehydration (dehydration). The cause of the disease was then unknown. Through Metascreen®, elevated metabolites associated with abnormal metabolism of Leucine, IsoLeucine and Valine consistent with MSUD, was detected in the urine of Baby Lina. After Baby Lina was given special formula milk designed for children with MSUD, Baby Lina gained weight and was in a stable condition.

Did you know?

Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD), affects one in every 101,624 people among Asian population.1

1) JHF Newborn Metabolic Screening Program in Centre of Inborn Errors of Metabolism (CUHK). Updated on 11 June 2013. Accessed June 18, 2020.