The Risk Of Gene Variants Or Abnormalities

A gene is a sequence of nucleotides in a group of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) strands. Every gene has a complete piece of DNA and has its genetic blueprint. The sequence of these DNA encodes a genetic information or physical traits and usually be inherited from your parents to their children, such as e.g.Physical and psychological characteristics, such as the child’s height, memory, appearance, etc. If the sequence of the DNA blue print is abnormal, it may contain information.

Knowledge Is Power.
Early Intervention Saves Lives.

The early stages of life are the most crucial as they are foundation of a child’s future health and development. While physical disabilities such as visual impairments can be identified before the child turns three, developmental disorders such as autism are not well visible so they are more likely to be diagnosed after the age of three.

Prevalence Rate Of Chronic Health Conditions Among Children In Malaysia

The early detection may facilitate a faster access to intervention which can significantly improve child’s condition.

Conditions Caused By Gene Variants

Conditions Symptoms
Asthma Breathing difficulty, wheezing and shortness of breath
ADHD Inability to concentrate and Hyperactivity
Allergic Rhinitis Nose inflammation triggered by Allergens
Wilson Disease Liver disease, central nervous system disorders or death
Atopic Dermatitis Eczema and itching
Hearing loss Partial or complete inability to Hear

Some Symptoms Analyzed By Genetic Screening

Newborn genetic screening can help to detect chromosomal abnormalities as well as the presence of risk factors early so that you are better equipped to address any potential problems to avoid the development of serious symptoms that may go undetected as the baby grows up.

Developmental Disorders

Includes Autism spectrum disorders, Social skill deficit, Learning disability, Intellectual disability.

Internal Organ Disorders

Includes Cardiac anomaly, Kidney dysplasia
Immune deficiency, Dysgenitalism.


Includes ADHD, Delusion, Anxiety disorder, Manic-depressive illness.


Includes skull deformity, Muscular hypotonia, Growth delay, Visual impairment.

Disclaimer & Test Limitation

bebegene® is tested by Eone-Diagnomics Genome Centre (EDGC, a clinical laboratory in South Korea. Recognized for its technology and excellence, the laboratory is certified with both CAP and CLIA accreditation, which includes other line of services such as microarray technology and Direct-to-Consumer genetic testing. EDGC has a quality management system in place to ensure maximum accuracy of screening results. Using technology of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) chromosomal microarray, the test has a high resolution detection limit reaching 50kb and is able to detect chromosomal abnormalities as small as 200kb. As with any screening tests, false positive or false negative results cannot be completely eliminated due to various reasons including but not limited to specimen quality and other variables. This is a genetic screening test related to the genetic predisposition developmental disorders. It cannot be considered as a diagnostic test. Hence, the risk of a disorder should never be precluded solely on the basis of screening. If pathogenic variants are detected, follow up testing is recommended to confirm the results. Signs or symptoms observed should be followed up immediately by a professional healthcare provider.


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